Fatburger – Escondido, CA

Posted by lamboburger on Jun 14, 2011 in Chain, Fast Food

Fat Burger

For this review the Ultimate Burger Review staff made their way over to Fatburger in Escondido with guest reviewer Jon Truttmann. Fatburger is a fast-ish burger chain that started in the fifties and they tout fresh ingredients, real ice cream shakes and made to order deliciousness. Sounds a little like In & Out doesn’t it? While there are some similarities you will typically find Fatburger in a strip mall and they spin their burger offerings with a greater choice of toppings that will assist you in your efforts of killing youself faster through bad (but delicious) food choices like adding bacon, chili and fried eggs (why not)! Additionally, they have different burger size offerings. Mike and Jon opted for the traditional Fatburger which is just under a ½ pound while the more adventurous Greg and Troy tackled the King Burger that offers an 8oz patty. Although we should mention Mr. Truttmann took his guest reviewer assignment seriously and threw all caution to the wind and ordered his with fried egg and bacon! The cool thing is you can keep going up in size if you want to an XXL burger offering or the 24oz XXXL burger that rivals IN & Out’s 4×4! Too bad we didn’t bring wingnut Caitlyn because they even offer a Boca Burger for the non-meat eating weirdos. All that means nothing really unless the burgers have a worthwhile yum factor, and Fatburger does have a high yum factor! We were very impressed that they offer different bun sizes for the burgers which kept the burger to bun ratio at an optimum. The only weird thing was that the burgers were built upside down with the cheese at the bottom which caused Troy to deeply contemplate the true meaning of proper burger structure and how it affected the taste. As usual, everyone else just ate their burgers and brushed off Troy’s idiotic ramblings. Another pleasant surprise was the fry options. Yes, they have options! You can get either the standard fry type or go for steak fries! Is that awesome or what? And to top it off, they know how to cook both types to perfection. It’s totally crazy! Needless to say the UBR staff was very impressed with the Fatburger offerings, earning them a 3.3 for the burger and full 4.0 on the fries. The burger definitely had the yum factor, but suffered a bit on the structural integrity and presentation scores. Speaking of presentation, this is where Fatburger lacks. The dull, unassuming exterior is equalled only by the drab interior. They did have some old style T.V.’s, but they failed by making us watch Nickelodeon. Yeah, SpongeBob is just what you want to watch while shoving a yummy Fatburger in your pie-hole. It also needs to be mentioned that this location requires the use of tokens to access a very crappy crapper. I suppose they need to lock it so it won’t get crappier? Anyway, the delicious offerings where still enough to overcome these fails and give Fatburger a 3.5 on the overall experience. Our suggestion, go get fat on a yummy Fat Burger!

Fatburger Curbside

Restaurant Atmosphere
Overall Service/Speed
Burger Presentation
Burger-to-Bun Ratio
Bun Freshness/Quality
Meat Quality/Flavor
Patty Thickness
Cheese Quality/Options
Burger's Structural Integrity
Topping Quality/Options
Extras - Pickle Spears, etc.
Fry Flavor/Type/Cut
Fry Portion
Post Burger Experience/Gas

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